once upon a time we went to a place called tomb of the kings.

we went underground into tombs and pretended to be mummies.

we may have stayed down there longer than was "acceptable" for our age.
but hey, who doesn't love pretending to be indiana jones and exploring some ancient tombs.
and so what if sometimes you still get lost in your imagination at 20 years old.
we even took some 'model' shots on the steps on our way out of the tombs.

this may have happened as we left the tomb....

but hey when isn't mi'kel the clutz stubbing her toe on stairs she didn't see while trying to chase a butterfly?

we did however 'grow up' a little as we enjoyed good company at the austrian hospice.
never mind the fact we were drinking slushies.

and went out to dinner at an Armenian food restaurant next door. i had lamb kabobs that were pretty tasty.

and it didn't hurt to wash down those lambs with this.

and then finish it off with some old fashion some of these.
do do do do... do do do... do do do do... do do do do do!
(should always find time to sing this theme song daily while living in a place like this)
{if you're not, you're not living here right}
-it is written.
nothing like an OREO, it's what I always say!:)