happy fast sabbath!
today we went to the garden tomb.
first time i've been so far.
i have a hunch it's going to be my favorite place to go on sabbaths.

This is Golgotha, can you see the skull?

our tour guide from the "toe" of England said this really interesting comment about the tomb. He said "You are welcome to go into the tomb, but you're not going to find Him in there. You can take Him with you though. Just don't forget to bring Him back with you. Take Him home and introduce Him to our your family. One day, He will do the same to you--take you home to meet His family."

Man, i miss all of you guys.
especially you my sweet sisters.
(check the "sister" pin)
josh and bryan, don't feel left out. i miss you heaps too.
Jaime! i'm so glad i got to talk to you today, i am so sorry i haven't called you until today! I'm glad to have made the connection with your friends here though. I miss you and think about you all the time. Your friends talked about the wonderful person you are, it made me happy to claim you as my sister.
Grab your tissue box brooke cause this part is for you.
i'm thinking about you tons lately. i'm so proud of the way you raise your family. you are such a great example to me and i love talking to you. Keep that smile.
Ken-ben. You are so lucky you get to be with brooke and the kiddos. enjoy every minute of it. i love you SO much! thanks for saying all the kind words you say to me. i miss you heaps too! ps sorry i woke you up.
Bry, i may have included you in this post if you would have answered those phone calls :) haha jk. i miss you tons too. i will for sure be calling you back cause i want to catch up! Talked to dad and he said you had a baseball game, hope you won!
Joshy-poo, i have a whole page to tell you! so many updates on things i think you would enjoy! i can't wait to talk to you. hope all is well with the photography. You know you are amazing right? i'm so glad we are good friends. wish you were here with me, but i can't wait to have another year of BYU with you.
love jerusalem don't get me wrong, but what i wouldn't give to ditch out for just a few hours to celebrate national donut day with these two...

“If there is tomorrow when we’re not together…there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.” -Winnie the Pooh
i'm so glad we have the knowledge we do of eternal families. i can't wait to spend forever with all of you!
-it is written.
i heart you to the moon.