Today was midterms.
I'm happy to say i did better than i expected!
Soon as midterms and lunch were over, we got out of the center splickity splat.
saw the russian church of the ascension.

that was neat, but honestly the sights aren't my favorite part about living here.
i love seeing the people and culture, it's the best thing of this whole experience.
My friend scott is always being called john cena by all the local children here. today a whole group gathered around him as he signed "John Cena" on all their little arms.
it was priceless.

Then we got lost and wandered through some back alleys and neighborhoods on the mount of olives. it just so happened to be the exact time a whole flood of preschool-age children ran out of the buildings in the alley. in a matter of minutes we were swarmed with small Arabs. i had my camera out and captured one of my favorite pictures to date:

this little Arab girl saying goodbye to her teacher.
made me think of this little girl back home,

my preschool-age niece Ava Mi'kel.
It made me think that this cute little arab girl has little quirks and passions that i don't even know about. i wish i did. i wish i could get to know all the people here, see life through their eyes. i wonder if arab preschool graduation looks like oregonian preschool graduations...
i've been missing this little kiddo a lot lately, i'm glad i was reminded of her today.
thank you little arab girl for giving me a taste of home.
Ava-loo, this one's for you!
Dear Ava,
I miss your tiny guts.
hope you are having fun with ken-ben.
i love you.
forever yours,
aunt kel.
notice those people around you:
“Life lives, life dies. Life laughs, life cries. Life gives up and life tries. But life looks different through everyone's eyes.”-Leo F. Buscaglia
it is written.
There you go, making me get outta bed to get a tissue......miss you!