playing catchup...
but you know what, it happens when you live in the coolest city on earth.
Sunday we went on a field trip.
to be more specific it was a

and it was amazing.
first to tel es-safi.
or more commonly ancient gath.
and even more commonly Goliath's hometown.

brother chadwick, our modern near eastern studies teacher and one who is becoming my close friend, excavates here.
in fact in that very hole he is standing in.
so it made me feel completely justified to do this:

we talked about david and goliath on top of the tel.
we even sang a great song brother chadwick made up. (to be posted at a later time)
and most importantly, brother chadwick demonstrated the proper slinging strategies as he slew rocks off the side of the tel.

i really just found my inner Philistine here and pondered how things would be so different in the course of events if i was born in Goliath's day. perhaps the tel would be renamed to tel mi'kel if i had something to do with it... who knows. all i know is that i would have been a pretty great philistine, i'm pretty dang sure of it.

moving on.
we went to Mareshah.
we found some places where they use to raise doves.

i looked inside one of these little holes for some ancient doves...

you'll never guess what i saw!

chicken dancing doves!
it was awesome.
then we went to a humungous ancient underground cistern.

which was pretty neat.
a quick bathroom stop to see a bunch of kids trying to speak to us in the little english they knew. one of the girls asked my name and when i told her she shoved her friend next to me and said her name was "mi'kel" (i'm not sure whether we really had the same name or if our names were super similar that neither of us could tell with our accents if it was the same or what, but regardless, i had to get a picture with this little "mi'kel")

another common factor in the language mix up/bonding moment was they knew who justin bieber was...
which obviously led to all of us singing "baby baby baby oooohhh" in the bathroom together.
it was awesome.
and let me just point out the beautiful sky real quick:

stating it was a beautiful day would be an understatement.
in the tombs we then saw a 3 headed dog. (in real life and in drawing form)

and me and all my friends planned on wearing white t-shirts to pretend like we had resurrected from the tombs... (aren't we all the greatest?)

from there we went to bell caves.
we sang a bunch of hymns to hear the resonating qualities of the caves in full force.
and took some sweet pics.
escape to witch mountain or e.t.?
i can't put my finger on it but it's def one of the two.

then to the lachish.
where i pretended to be a soldier of sennacherib's army and march into the city.

and onto the valley of Elah.
this is where my calling and election of becoming a philistine was made sure.
see what i mean?
we ended the day with a trip to Beth Shemesh where we talked about samson and delilah.

hey there delilah what's it like in timnah valley?
i couldn't resist...
embrace your inner philistine. find time for purposeless play. and don't forget to sing justin bieber with random strangers.
-it is written.
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