Today was our day dedicated to SERVICE!
It's funny how service is something you have to be mindful of. How it makes EVERY part of life better/more enjoyable + full of meaning.
I'm so grateful that i have learned from so many great people how and why we should serve.
a few of us volunteered at a place called shekel.
shekel is a non-profit for those with special needs.
i love people with disabilities. i love how much happiness they bring me.
i had a genuine grin from ear to ear for three straight hours while trying to understand the hebrew and arabic of those with disabilities. it was a neat opportunity to be able to learn from these people very basic yet vital communication conflicts and resolutions.
the one true message i picked up though is laughing, and smiles are universal, and they are what matter most.

I took this picture before i was informed that pictures weren't allowed, otherwise i would have taken more.

The people with disabilities make different things and sell them in the shop there. I had to buy this cute little sheep to 1. donate to shekel. and 2. always remind myself of my goal to start my non-profit to help those with special needs.

Then the best part about my day was coming home to this package at my doorstep from dad. He always seems to know what i need. I'm so glad he's MY dad and also really glad he has a deep love for peanut M&M's! it was the perfect medicine for my stupid sickness. i love you forever dad.
Never stop serving. Most importantly learn from those you serve, and let that service change you. never take anything for granted, especially peanut M&M's and a father's love.
it is written.
Saweeeet! In every way. :)