Went in a mosque.
Head scarf required.
Sat criss cross apple sauce on the floor and talked about islam. (pony tailed man is our tour guide Bulant)
observed the devote muslim men worshiping there.
looked at the prayer beads.
loved the local salesman. check out what they are wearing.
Stopped in Iznik to see the place where the Nicean Creed was written.
went back on the ferry to get to Istanbul
(lady on my left is mrs. H. i like her a lot a lot)
Went to the Hagia Sophia.
Ate some sea food (others of us ate some bread) for dinner.
then said goodbye to this beautiful country.
(m-cat, i think you should get this for your sweet 16, what do ya say?)
Home. (to Jerusalem) HOME SWEET HOME!
It was a beautiful feeling pulling into the front gates of the Jerusalem Center. i truly felt safe and sound, like home. it's totally growing on me to wake up to the beauty on the Mount of Olives every morning. i wouldn't change it for the world.
it is written.
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