Ken Ben, this one is for YOU!
So basically M-Cat the people here are awesome! You would love to people watch here with me... these little kiddos were hanging out the window the other day. The little girl had scissors and was saying CUT CUT CUT CUT, i was so nervous she was going to drop them on me OR perhaps even chop her little brother up!
Really though, the people here are so different then you can even imagine. I am the one that looks different to everyone here.
The BLOWY Wishing Flowers here ARE HUGE!!!!!!! I don't know if you can tell but it's like twice the size of a baseball.

People really do ride on Donkey's and ask for money.
Some even live in the middle of the desert like this still: (desert not dessert)
And remember Joshua? The guy who led the Israelites around the walls of Jericho seven times to make the rocks fall down? That happened right here! just like the little rock i am holding, the walls fell and broke! field trips here are insane right??
I know you secretly want these shoes i spied on a strangers feet... don't worry, i do too. your secret is safe with me!
This is my friend Ali, she went exploring with me in a place called Zedekiah's Cave. Zedekiah was an evil king and he had to watch his family get murdered right in front of him then he got his eyes smashed out. :( gross visual i know. speaking of gross visuals i'm dying not watching prison break... promise you will dedicate the rest of the summer to prison break with me when i get home??
Don't worry about me, i'm making lots of friends! (but i still miss your stinkin guts! wish we were twins so that you could have came with!)
isn't this a cool shadow puppet picture? I am the "O". Sure love ya!
Wish you were here McKenna. You are the bestest little sister ANYONE COULD EVER HAVE! And MY favorite! Hope you are doing okay. I'll call you soon. We have so so so much to catch up on!
Forever yours,
Know that i will always love you.
It is written.
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